You see my smile? Guess why? Mom saw my brother Leon in the window, she also asked the new boyfriend Leon Mom if he like cats, he said yes wow I'm so happy. Thanks for the very helpful purrs .
My twin brother disappeared, ,its long time since I see him and it does not comes more to the balcony, my Mom thought she heard him crying a few mornings passed, she asked the building, but nobody knows anything, I'm too afraid that is Mom given him to someone (her teen daughter was not very nice to Leon ) I feel so sad, please help me!!!! Ludwig.
I was very confused, did not understand was happening to me, amid the confusion Lud vomited. Mom said:-is the virus ! Thank´s ,we had the medicine( the same she used wiht Boris.)Now is overrrrrr... everybody's sleeping and I'm sitting helping Mom write the blog .
You must be wondering why worried Wu , is with Boris? Not this time , is with Paloma .She won -THE THING -you know. Is her first time; I cant´ understand because when Doctor Alessandra give me to Mom she pulled out the thing , I was only 3 months just a baby now Paloma have 7 months but ...she is minimal,I find it is horrible because she cry a lot , Lud try to help and Boris is to big ,also the boys haven taken the thing out . Mon tell me she goes to the doctor next month , now I fell better .
Boris not feeling well again, at this time was not his fault, Mom switched the diet and is stomach was not fully recovered. Now sleep after be medicated for regularize his potbelly.